Friday, December 27, 2013


Single-legged birdhouse, a quiet contemplation in still waters,
Hidden by bull rush grasses, visible only to the enquiring pedestrian;
Single-legged birdhouse providing refuge to the riroriro;
Who swoops in from the left, and ascends up high,
Above igneous rocks that yield to carpets of wild Yarrows.
With strings of high-pitched mating calls, announcing her arrival,
Riroriro flirts spontaneously with the tuis and korimakos;
Wings flap furiously, blurred comingling of grey, yellow, and black feathers, 
As they vie for the other’s affection.

Camille Tuason Mata, Manukau, New Zealand 

(c) 2013

Birdhouse in standing water 
Drainage catchment for urban storm water runoff

Run-off catchment 
Household landscaping 
Canal that's part of the urban storm water run-off system 
This water system runs throughout Burswood Subdivision 
Riroriro bird

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